A devastating property loss
                        requires professional help.



  Things you should do


  • NOTIFY your insurer of the loss.
  • PROTECT THE PROPERTY from additional damage and secure it from entry.
  • OBTAIN a certified copy of your insurance policy, declarations, and all applicable endorsements.
  • DOCUMENT THE DAMAGES [including debris] by videotape and/or photography.
  • PRESERVE THE EVIDENCE of damage and provide your insurer easy access to your property to help expedite the claim process. It is the policyholder’s responsibility to document and prove their loss, not the insurance company’s.
  • REVIEW your insurance policy and/or schedule an initial consultation with an experienced licensed public adjuster at no charge.
  • DO NOT BE IN A RUSH to hire contractors and professionals until you understand how the cost impacts your claim. It is important to spend money carefully to avoid depleting your insurance recovery.
  • REQUEST your insurance company obtain a hazardous material test from a licensed expert to determine whether lead and/or asbestos is present.
  • ARRANGE for mail and landline phone number[s] to be forwarded to your temporary location.
  • MAINTAIN water and temporary electrical services to the property, if possible. The insured is responsible for mitigating further damage to property and landscaping, etc.
  • DO NOT DISPOSE of any damaged property until it is thoroughly inventoried.
  • SAVE ALL RECEIPTS and track expenses that are incurred as a result of the loss (e.g. hotel, food and personal property replacement).
  • KEEP CAREFUL NOTES on conversations with insurance company personnel and their vendors and claim consultants, including dates and content.
  • RESEARCH CAREFULLY before hiring anyone. Consumers are vulnerable to misrepresentations by zealous sales professionals who want you to sign with them now!
  • CONTACT your local tax assessors office to apply for temporary property tax assessment relief.

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